Sign this petition to prevent a known neo-Confederate leader from having the power to send people to jail.

The University of North Carolina’s Board of Governors gave an excessive payout to a known neo-Confederate leader and his group that supports white supremacy. 

That leader, Kevin Stone, is a probation officer in Chatham County and also the head of the "Mechanized Cavalry Heritage Defense,” a motorcycle club that showcases white nationalist imagery on their vest and celebrates the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. 

It’s unacceptable that the BOG gave the Sons of Confederate Veterans $2.5 MILLION (plus another $74,999) given the organization’s clear ties to white supremacy.

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I demand that Kevin Stone be removed from his position as a probation officer for the State Department of Public Safety in Chatham County. His white supremacist ties are in clear conflict with his responsibility to be fair and impartial as a state employee. We owe it to UNC students and faculty, as well as our communities, to hold Stone accountable for his association and their actions. 

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